We board all the rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.
We also board poultry Chickens, Geese, Turkeys .
We are open over Christmas and the New Year and welcome winter boarders. We are happy to offer short and long term boarding .
All pets are housed in comfortable cages and we will heat the area when required. Our Pet Lodge cages are made from metal and the plastic Ferplast types as recommended for ease of cleaning and disinfecting. We also have a selection of traditional timber housing for pets who prefer the outdoors. We also have outdoor runs available for pets to graze on fresh grass.
If your pet requires a special diet we will be happy to follow your instructions. Please note mice, gerbils, hamsters must be brought in their own cages.
Food & Exercise:
In order to make your pet feel at home , you are welcome to bring any toys and treats to help keep them happy during their stay. We will provide water,hay, dry food and fresh fruit and vegetables. We also supply the bedding for your pets.
All rabbits and guinea pigs can be given runs during their stay where weather permits.
Small Pet Boarding Tariff
Boarding fees are payable on the first day of boarding. For a complete price list please phone, email or view the Prices page of the web site.
Other Services
In addition to boarding small pets we offer other services at additional cost including.
* Administering medication
Hours of opening

Pet Taxi Service
Transporting your pets can be difficult when your short of time or it could be you don't have transport of your own so we offer a pick up and return service.
A few reasons for using this service other than coming for boarding could be.
1. Your pet needs to be taken to the Vet for a visit due to accident or illness.
2. Your holiday flights times are awkward and you won’t have time to deliver your pet personally
3. Maybe a grooming Parlour visit
We are prepared to help you transport your pets whatever the situation might be. Distances and costs will be calculated using AA route planner.